1678 Expenses
In 1678, Jacob vander Burgh was the City's treasurer. He started the year with 81,500 guilders and was the first treasurer whose Reekening or account book balanced revenue and expenses. The following year, vander Burgh was treasurer again, and reported beginning the year with 95,618 guilders. Again, he balanced revenue and expenses, a tradition that would continue.
De Bello Belgico Decas by Famiano Strada, 1648 |
The table below shows theheadings and major subheadings that had totals and sub-totals in the Expenses section of the Rekeningbouck, the treasurer's account book. Some of them are very long and list the sub-subheadings; they have been shortened (though not re-worded) for this table. These section headings in the account books remained almost identical for years 1658 through 1681. The revenue/expense total of 630,060 guilders for 1678 was closer to the more common 400-500,000 guilders than to the excesses of 1674 and 1675, when it was almost triple that level, peaking at a little over 1.1 million guilders in 1675.
Omitted are the individual expense items and their names, dates, and descriptions. The page numbers give a sense of the relative size of each section. The Expenses section of every volume was twice as large as the Revenue section because of all the people who received payments on annuities that they had bought over the years. In 1678, the list of those payments went from page 185 to 334, well over half the book.
This table omits the stuivers and pennies so the somma grossas are a guilder or two larger than the sum of their sub-totals.
page | short Dutch description | English translation | guilders | |
98-101 | vant kerbloerat ende sgravenhuis | ? | 525 | |
101v-102 | van 26 februari 1650 | from 26 February 1650 | 146 | |
102v | vant stede cledinge | for city clothes | 373 | |
103-114 | van weddens en de penningen | for salaries | 21,949 | |
114v | wedde tot Overschie | salaries in Overschie | 180 | |
115-116v | wedde op Delfshaven | salaries in Delfshaven | 2362 | |
117-118 | van salaris van tresorier | salaries for the treasurer's office | 951 | |
118 | 1st | 26,487 | ||
118v-137v | ter ordonnantie van de heeren Burgemeesteren | by order of the mayors | 411,887 | |
138-139 | oncosten ten tijde vande verpachtinge gevallen | costs of tax farming | 423 | |
139v-141 | diverse oorsaeken ende respecten | various sources and considerations | 182 | |
141v | van de eerste tijdinge alsmede 't afschrijven van de afgestorven lijfrenten | for the first time as well as writing off dead life annuities | 12 | |
141v | 2nd | 412,406 | ||
143-146v | werckcedullen van de binnen en buiten havenmeesters | work list of inner and outer harbormasters | 10,246 | |
147-147v | van Vrachtloonen | freightage | 61 | |
148-162 | materialen bestedewercken, vernieuwinge van verscheide wercken arbeitsloonen | materials, renovations, and various workers' salaries | 20,083 | |
163-163v | aen Vrachtloonen ende verteerde costen, aengaende t nieuwe trekpad, tusschen de stad Leiden en de Dam, daer in de Stad Delft ende Leiden | freightage and other costs associated with the new towpath between Leiden and the dam | 119 | |
164-168 | Andere uitgeeff over t treckpad | other expenses for the towpath | 1,184 | |
168v-169 | Andere uitgeeff over verdiende gagie - Leitsendem | other expenses for earned salaries - Leidschendam | 709 | |
170-171v | aen den Dijck ende treckveer tusschen de Tolbrugge ende den Dam | for the dike and ferry between the tolbridge and the dam | 664 | |
172-174v | aende Treckveer tusschen dese Stad Delft en Maassluis | the ferry between Delft and Maassluis | 933 | |
175-176 | tot bruggen over de Berklsemeer | the bridges over the Berklsemeer | 332 | |
176 | van de binnen en buiten haven | for the inner and outer harbor | 3rd | 34,235 |
177-179v | Weerkcedullen op Delfshaven | workslists in Delfshaven | 2211 | |
180-181 | van allerbei behoeften op Delfshaven | other necessities in Delfshaven | 751 | |
181-183v | van materialen als hout, steen, ijser, calch, door den havenmeester | for materials like wood, stone, iron, lime, for the harbormaster | 2,814 | |
184-185 | Reis en teerhosten, port van brieven, & | travel and posting of letters | 122 | |
185 | van den havenmeester Delfshaven | for the Delfshaven harbormaster | 4th | 5,899 |
186 | van penningen aen de heere Tresorier van den jaare 1679 | amount to the incoming treasurer for the following year | 5th | 95,618 |
187-259 | van de verscheide losrenten tot last van de Stad Delft | for the diverse annuities due from the City (15 sub-totals) | 6th | 34,933 |
260-309 | van losrenten bij de Stad opgenomen op Weescamersrecht | for the annuities by the City drawn on the Weescamer | 7th | 12,056 |
310-333 | van jaarlijxe lijfrenten tot last van de Stad | yearly annuities due from the City | 8th | 8221 |
334-334v | ter saecke vant schrijven van de reekeninge | for writing the treasurer's account book | 9th | 202 |
334v | totalis somma uitgeeff van de tresorier | Total expenses of the treasurer | 630,060 |
Two numbers jump out of this table.
The 21,949 for salaries was broken down but not separately totaled. Leeuwenhoek's salary was listed with the other camerbewaarders in the third sub-section.
by order of the mayors
Pie chart showing the expenses share for 1678
redeemable annuities 6%
salaries 4%
payment for services 65%