Abraham Edens presented a cabinet sent by Maria van Leeuwenhoek with 26 of her father's magnifying glasses to the Royal Society;
Royal Society, Journal Book, vol. 13, p. 315, for 7 November 1723 O.S.
Mr. Abraham Eden delivered to the Society a box marked AVL wherein was inclosed a small Japan cabinet containing 5 drawers full of cases of microscopes, with a letter from Mr. Arnout van den Berch cousin to Mrs. Leeuwenhoek wherein he desires the Society to give Mr. Edens a receipt for the same, which was accordingly done.
For Van den Berch’s letter, see Letter L-594 of 20 October 1723, in this volume.
Leeuwenhoek and van den Berch were “cousins” because van den Berch’s grandfather Johan Jacobs van den Berch was Leeuwenhoek’s uncle.