The Abstract of Two Letters Sent Some Time Since by Mr. Anth. Van. Leeuwenhoeek to Dr. Gale and Dr. Hooke
pages 593-594
Thirteen years after Leeuwenhoek wrote these letters and seven years after he published them himself in Levende Dierkens, they were published in Philosophical Transactions, no. 196 for January 1693. The two letters filled seven pages of Leeuwenhoek's volume, but only about five hundred words were in the Philosophical Transactions article. The two simple drawings by Leeuwenhoek in Letter 30 of April 5, 1680 of a little animal he found in a rat's testicles and another of one found in sap coming from a grape vine were re-engraved for Philosophical Transactions. The more complex drawing of the rat's testicle in a jar of water was not included.
Maty listed this article twice, with the same title, one at 1020, which had "Accounts of Two Books", the other at 1120, which was correct.