Appointed district supervisor (wijkmeester generaal)
Leeuwenhoek and Daniel Bogaert, camerbewaarder of the mayors' chamber, were both appointed to the position of general district supervisor. Bogaert held the position until he died in 1681. Leeuwenhoek held it for the rest of his life.
For administrative purposes, Delft was divided into 16 districts. Each had a supervisor who paid attention to the quality of life in that district. Those supervisors reported to the two general supervisors, who in turn reported to the mayors or the magistrates whom Leeuwenhoek and Bogaert served as camerbewaarders.
OAD inv 679 Register van uitgaven door de thesaurier, vol 57 for 1667 -- inv. 4330 Jaarrekening 1667
Den selven Leeuwenhoeck is bij de heeren Burgemeesteren op den 10th October 1666 gestelt tot Wijckmeester Generael over alle de wijcken alhier, nevens Daniel Bogaert breder volgens de Commissie aen den selven ter hand gestelt op een wedde van viftich gulden jaerlijcx ende dat init de hondert en vijftich gulders bij Antonij Taerlingh als wijckemeester getrocken, daer vant eerste jaer ingegaen is den eersten November 1666, comt hier over 't jaer verscheenen den laetsten October 1667. |
The same Leeuwenhoek is by the mayors on 10 October 1666 put forward as general district supervisor over all the districts, along with Daniel Bogaert ____ according to the Commission on the same handed a salary of fifty guilders annually and that ____ the hundred and fifty guiders withdrawn by Antonij Taerlingh as district supervisor, there from the first year was done on the first of November 1666, coming here during the year due at the end of October 1667. |