Buitenwatersloot 218


Buitenwatersloot 218


north side property 6 east from west end of development along the sloot (the blue strip)

current use: 

2 stores below, residence above

year built: 
ORA inv. 281-283 or 285 fol.: 
Dirck Janszn. Decker (decker?) 5r095
family owner: 
Lambertus, Magdalena, and Adriana Maartens Leeuwenhoek
sale letter fol.: 
Jan van Heekeren 7d074

Lambertus Maartens Leeuwenhoek (1698-1752) and his two sisters Magdalena (1699-btwn 1750-1764) and Adriane (1691-1767), who were all unmarried, owned this garden and two little houses to even out the marriage gifts that their two married siblings, Pieter (1693-1750) and Eva (1701-1776), had already received from Maartens Lambrechts Leeuwenhoek (1659-1742). Adriane, the longest living, gave it to Eva Maartens (1701-1776) (071v2), who already owned the property next door A0129 Buitenwatersloot 214. It then went to Eva's husband Aernoud Carlier (see folio 891) and their daughter Maria Carlier. A0130 and A0131 always sold as a unit (same sales letters). A0129 was added, same sales letters, by Maria Carlier. D0508 Oude Delft 97 has the same ownship.

1832 Kadaster number: 

A0130, A0131