Camerbewaarders 1660-1662

Johan Cornelis van Bleiswijk was Delft's treasurer for 1661, the year after Leeuwenhoek was appointed to his first city office, camerbewaarder.

Reekeningbouck - Account book - 1661

On page 113v and 114 (below; click to enlarge), the treasurer's account book lists the camerbewaarders and other officers of the court (boden en heeren dienaers). Two of them were new.

  • Joost van Moerkercken, messenger (bode) of the Treasurer, received 80 gl for the year.
  • Guilliame Palamedis, messenger of the collector of property taxes (verpondingen), received 25 gl for the year.
  • Isaacq Adriaens Soubrie, Camerbewaarder of the Weescamer (Orphans Chamber), received more money, 150 gl, raised from 116 gl, plus 6 gl for his city clothes, due on November 5, 1661. He received an additional 10 gl for looking after (bewaren) the chamber of the Commissarissen of the marriage records. For the first time, he received a payment, 10 gl, for the behousten (management?) of the cleaning of the Weescamer.
  • Anthonij Leeuwenhouck, Camerbewaarder of the Raetcamer (Council Chamber), received 260 gl, due on January 24, 1661. For the first time, the camerbewaarder of the Raetcame also received a payment 54 gl for keeping the room clean. Instead of calling it the Raetcamer, or council chamber, the item specifies that it is the meeting chamber for the magistrates, the city fathers (vroedschap), and the civic guards (schutters). It ends: Item voor de behousten die hij daer toe van nooden heeft, which translates "for the behousten that he needs to do it" [the cleaning].
  • Daniel Bogaert, the new Camerbewaarder of the mayors' chamber, was paid 176 gl, due on November 1, 1661. He continued in his predecessors’ duties of keeping the guards' keys for 9 gl and keeping the chamber clean, 54 gl. As with Leeuwenhoek's it notes that the cleaning payment is voor de behousten die hij daer toe van nooden heeft.
  • The final item in the minor city officials' section is for the four court messengers (gerechtsboden), Willem Jans van Setten, Benjamijn Mager, Lucas Keerschap, and Claes van Schie, who together received 1,000 gl, to include their city clothes. That would be 250 gl per messenger.

Uitgeeffbouck - Expenses book

This volume covers some of the same payments listed in the account book above. The pages for the Camerbewaarders use the same boilerplate language every year, changing only the names and the numbers and dates of the payments. For example, looking at the pages for the camerbewaarder of the magistrate's chamber for the years 1660, 1661, and 1662, only the beginning and end of the entry changes every year. Marginal notes were added. On the left below is my translation and transcription. On the right are close-up photos (click to enlarge) of page 16v and page 17 of the Uitgeeffbouck for 1661 and page 17v for 1662.


Page 16, not shown but Dutch transcription below:

Jan Strick was on 24 January 1655 installed by the mayors and rulers of Delft in place of the deceased Jacob Huygen van Schie as camerbewaarder of the Raedcamer at the salary of 241 guilders yearly, understanding that 6 guilders are to pay for his city clothes every quarter year a fourth part, commencing on 24 January, under special condition that the mayors in the future will leave it unchanged, nevertheless the mayors gathered together raised his pay on 26 December 1656 under the conditions as earlier 19 gl as of 24 January 1657, thus together --- 260 guilders.

In the margin:

Antony Leeuwenhoek was by the mayors installed in the unconditional departure of Jan Strick in the same place, done by all the mayors on 26 March 1660.


As the photos on the right show, compared to 1660, only the beginning changes, along with the dates of payment.

Anthonij Leeuwenhoek was by the mayors and rulers of Delft because of the complete departure of Jan Strick installed on 26 March 1660 in the same place as camerbewaarder of the Raedcamer at the salary of 241 guilders yearly, understanding that 6 guilders are to pay for his city clothes every quarter year a fourth part, commencing on 24 January, under special condition that the mayors in the future will leave it unchanged, nevertheless the mayors gathered together raised his pay on 26 December 1656 under the conditions as earlier 19 gl as of 24 January 1657, thus together --- 260 guilders.

Leeuwenhoek was paid 65 guilders on April 28, twice, on August 6, and on November 10.

In the margin:

on 31 May 1661 the mayors have _______ Anthonij Leeuwenhoek for cleaning of the magistrates', city fathers', and civic guard's room forty guilders yearly, the same for his own management that he needs for this, fourteen guilders, together fifty-four guilders due for the year 1661 ----- 54 gl


In the photo on the right, page 17v repeats page 16v in the 1661 volume, with two additions. In the margin:

On 30 December 1661, by all of the mayors and the rulers of Delft gathered together, was the salary of Anthonij Leeuwenhoek raised by the sum of forty guilders yearly considering that the Raetkamer of the Veertigraad and the city fathers was newly appropriated and made a chamber for the civic guard and his service has thereby come to be heavier ... iii c gl

The iiii c gl ended up directly under the ii c lx gl carried over from the previous year, now crossed out. Below it, the salary was noted as being paid three times in 1662: on May 22 for 150 guilders, and on July 27 and December 21, each for 75 guilders, totally 300 guilders.

On the final photo, also from page 17v, a new item was added. It moved the marginal note from the previous year to full-text status, where it would be repeated every year from then on.

On 31 May 1661 the mayors have _____ Anthonij Leeuwenhouck for the cleaning of the magistrates', city fathers' and civic guards' chamber forty guilders yearly, the same for his own management that he needs fourteen guilders together fifty-four guilders for one year due on 1 May 1662

Thus here the same .... 54 guilders

No. 81 ---- 1662-5-11 Paid fl 54-0-0

above and below: overlapping photos of page 16v of the Uitgeeffbouck

below: continuation of text at top of page 17

below: marginal note on page 17v raising Leeuwenhoek's salary

below: new entry for room cleaning on page 17v

Dutch transcriptions (suggestions welcome: email me!)


Jan Strick is on 24 January 1655 bij de Heeren Burgemeests en Regerders der Stadt Delft in plaetse van Jacob Huygen van Schie overleden tot Camerbewaarder gestelt van de Raedcamer op het trachtement van ...


Antonij Leeuwenhoek is bij de heeren Burgemeesteren van d'absolute afstant van Jan Strick in den selve plaets gestelt, gedan bij alls de heeren den 26 maert 1660.


Anthonij Leeuwenhoek is bij de heeren Burgemeesteren vermits d'absolute afstand van Jan Strick op den 26 Maert 1660 in desselfs plaetse gestelt tot Camerbewaerder van de Raedcamer op het tractement van twee honderd eenenveertich gulden s'jaers daer onder begrepen ses gulden voor sijne stede cleding te betalen alle vierendeel jaers een gerecht vierdepart innegangh genomen hebbende met aen xxiiii January voorst onder speciale conditie dat den heeren in toecomende ongemolesteert sullen gelaten werden hebben nittemin de heeren Burgemeesteren collegialiter vergaderd ------ wedenen sijne voorst gagie verhooght op den xxvi december 1656 onder conditie als boven et negentien guldens ingegaen den xxiiii January 1657 dus samen --- 260 gl

No 48 --- 1661-4-28 Betaldt --- fl 65-0-0
      49 --- --- ditto Betaldt --- fl 65-0-0
      140 --- 1661-8-6 Betaldt --- fl 65-0-0
      225 --- 1661-11-10 Betaldt --- fl 65-0-0


den 31 meij 1661 hebben de heeren Burgemeesters Antonij Leeuwenhouck voor schoonmaken van schepenen vroedschappen en schutteren camer veertich gul jaerliijcke toegevoucht? item? voor sijn eigen behousten die hij daer toe van noden heeft veertien gul t samen vier en vijftich gul comt voor die jaer 1661 ----- lviiii gul



Op den 30 december 1661 is bij alle de heeren Burgemeesteren and de Regierders der stad Delff collegialiter vergadert het tractement van Anthonij Leeuwenhouck verhoogt met de somma van veertig gl jaerlix en consideratie de Raetkamer van de heeren Veertigen en Vroetschappen van nieuws geapproprieert is ende een ander camer voor de schutters gemaeckt is ende daer door sijnen dienst is komen te verswaren ...

Page 17v:

Op den xxxxi mai 1661 hebben de heeren Burgemeesteren Anthonij Leeuwenhouck voor het schoonmaken van Schepenen, Vroedschappen end de Schutteren Camer veertich guldens toegevoucht? item? voor sijn eijgen behousten die hij daer toe van noden heeft veertien guld het samen vierenvijftich gulden comt hier over het 1 jaer verschenen den 1 mai 1662

Dus hier de selve .... Liiii guld

No. 81 ----- 1662-5-11 Betaldt fl 54-0-0