Cantor lectures on the microscope

Mayall, J.
Journal of the Society of Arts
vol. XXXIV
London: Society for Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce

The lectures on November 23 and 30 and December 7, 14, and 21, 1885 were published in the Journal of the Society of Arts, referenced here. They were printed the following year in book form by W. Trounce.

In 1888, they were supplemented and corrected and delivered again on February 27 and March 5. This version was published separately, also printed by W. Trounce.

full text of the 1888 lectures is available online at Google Books


Lecture I

Origin of the Microscope. Its construction to the date of the application of achromatism.

Lecture II

Modern Microscopes to the date of the application of achromatism (continued).

Lecture III

Modern Microscopes to the date of the application of achromatism (continued).

Lecture IV

Modern Microscopes to the date of the application of achromatism (concluded). Achromatic Microscopes.

Lecture V

Achromatic Microscopes (concluded).