Coins, gold, and silver

Article 74 of Maria's inventory lists the cash, gold and silver coins, and the foreign currency. Without banks as we know them, the Dutch people kept their valuables in their homes.


Cash found in the iron chest in the upper front room - 6185 gl 13 st
In the bedroom of the deceased in a cash box - 3697 gl 19 st
Gold coins and foreign money - 1133 gl 9 st
Silver coins and foreign money - 52 gl 1 st

Total - 11,069 guilders 2 stuivers

Cash found in the iron chest in the upper front room

7 bags, each with 600 gl 4200 gl
2 bags, each with 630 gl 1260 gl
1 bag 562 gl 10 st
1 bag 126 gl
yet more cash 37 gl 3 st
Total  6185 gl 13 st

In the bedroom of the deceased in a cash box

4 bags, each with 600 gl 2400 gl
1 bag 585 gl
? with 28 st 141 gl 8 st
173 1/4 with 22 st 190 gl 11 st
39 with 3 gl 3 st 122 gl 17 st
74 French pieces, weighing together 32 ounces, 8 eng. at 54 st 87 gl 11 st
yet more cash 170 gl 3 st 12 p
Total  3697 gl 19 st


Gold coins and foreign money

12 at 11 gl 11 st 138 gl 12 st
7 1/2 at 9 gl 9 st  70 gl 17 st 8 p
3 at 7 gl 17 st 8 p 23 gl 12 st 8 p
58 at 5 gl 5 st 304 gl 10 st
Carolus Landegrave van Hessen, weighing 3 ounce 14 Engels 16 aze at 44 1/2 gl per ounce 176 gl 18 st
A silver box holding it, weighing 1 ounce 10 Engels at 50 st per ounce 3 gl 15 st
A gold Ferdinandus, weighing 1 ounce 2 Engels 12 aze at 44 1/2 gl per ounce 49 gl 16 st
A gold Rosenobel, 9 Engels 22 aze at 45 gl per ounce 22 gl
A Jacobus, 8 Engels 26 aze at 45 gl per ounce 19 gl 16 st
2 half Rosenobels, 9 Engels 6 aze at 45 gl per ounce 20 gl 14 st
1 gold Henricus, 8 Engels at 36 st per Engel 14 gl 8 st
A geenose three gl, 1? Engels 16 aze at 44 st per Engel 29 gl 14 st
A Utrechtse duit, weighing 4 Engels 10 aze at 45 st per Engel 9 gl 15 st
An Elizabeth, 3 Engels 8 aze at 42 st per Engel 6 gl 17 st
An English Carolus, ? Engels 14 aze at 42 st per Engel 3 gl
A ditto Elizabeth, 1 Engel 2 aze at 44 st per Engel 2 gl 7 st
A St. Andries, 2 Engels 4 aze at 28 st per Engel 3 gl
A Portuguese piece, 2 Engels 10 aze at 40 st per Engel 4 gl 13 st
A Geenos replacement coin (noodmunt), 2 Engels 5 aze at 36 st per Engel 3 gl 17 st
20 gold French pieces, weighing 2 ounces, 3 Engels and 8 aze at 42 gl per ounce 90 gl 16 st
1 ditto 4 gl 14 st
1 ditto 2 gl 7 st
Total 1133 gl 9 st


Silver coins and foreign money

1 penning on the jubileum, weighing 1 ounce 17 Engels at 3 gl per ounce 5 gl 11 st
1 Antony Ulrich 2 ounces 16 1/4 Engels at 58 st per ounce 8 gl 2 st
1 ditto, 18 1/2 Engels at 58 st per ounce 2 gl 13 st
1 Antony Leeuwenhoek, 1 ounce 18 Engels at 3 gl per ounce 5 gl 14 st
1 Maria 1 gl 7 st
Johan George, 18 3/4 Engels at 54 st per ounce 2 gl 10 st
Albertus and Elizabeth 2 gl 10 st
Christianus, 18 1/2 Engels at 54 st per ounce 2 gl 10 st
1 Ferdinand 2 gl 10 st
1 Maximilianus 2 gl 10 st
1 Maximiliaan 1569 1 gl 10 st
1 Hanover piece 1 gl 5 st
1 Vespazianus(?), 18 Engels at 58 st per ounce 2 gl 12 st
1 piece with a tree -- gl 16 st
4 foreign pieces, 7 1/2 Engels -- gl 1 st
27 pieces of foreign coins, weighing 2 ounces 11 1/2 Engels at 50 st per ounce 6 gl 8 st
24 pieces ditto, 1 ounce 10 Engels at 48 st per ounce 3 gl 12 st
Total  52 gl 1 st

According to Haaxman's 1871 biography, Anthony Ulrich, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, visited Leeuwenhoek in Delft, year unknown.

One of the silver coins is noted as "1 Antony Leeuwenhoek, 1 ounce 18 Engels at 3 gl per ounce". This must have been a commemorative coin, but it has not survived.

The two Elizabeth coins could have been the two bequeathed by aunt Anna Verloo to Maria and her cousin Magdaleentje in 1697.