Francis Aston wrote Letter L-156 to inform Leeuwenhoek that his Letter L-154 about salts was received but had not been read to the Society

February 19, 1685

This letter is known only by reference in another letter.

In this letter, Francis Aston writes to L. to inform him that his recent letter about salts was received but has not been read to the Society.

The date is New Style, which was ten days ahead of the Old Style date of 9 February 1685 used by Aston in London. Leeuwenhoek’s reference to his letter of “22nd January N.S.” is actually Letter L-154 of 23 January 1685.


Letter 84 [45] L-157 of 30 March 1685 to the Royal Society

The last letter I addressed to your worships was dated 22nd January N.S.. Since then I have received two missives written by his honour Mr. Francis Aston, secr. Roy. Soc., namely that of 10th January and that of 9th February O.S., from the former of which I note with pleasure that my observations respecting wine have found favour with your worships, while from the second I see that, although my report on salts has been received, it has not yet been read out.
