Made mortgage payment (last of eight) on the Gulden Hoofd

April 19, 1662

Leeuwenhoek went to the Weeskamer, where he paid 828 guilders 11 stuivers 8 pennies. Of that 272 guilders paid off the last of the capital of 5,000 guilders. He also paid 500 guilders interest in two bonds (400 and 100 guilders). Finally, he paid 56 guilders 11 stuivers 8 pennies in fees to the Weeskamer.


WKD inv. 464 fol. 184v Registers van inschrijving van wezen en halfwezen 1646-1660 (my translation)

On the 19 April 1662, Weesmm. Jasper Fransen van Helden, in satisfaction of his portion of his late brother's inheritance in this room received at two bonds at the expense of the city, the first for four hundred guilders capital, the other for the remaining hundred guilders, together with Anthonij Leeuwenhoeck's sum of two hundred and seventy-two guilders, are the remainder of the purchase price of the house and property of this estate was still due and lastly still have the advantage of fifty-six guilders eleven stuivers and eight pennies, making such eight hundred and twenty-eight guilders eleven stuivers eight pennies; therefore, to satisfy and be paid completely, thanked his guardians for their good service.
