Wrote Letter L-137 of October 1683 to Melchisedec Thévenot with some observations
In this letter, Leeuwenhoek sends some observations that he expects will please Thévenot. It is known only by reference in other letters.
Letter 78 L-141 of 14 October 1683 to Anthonie Heinsius
I have heard Mr. H. van Bleyswyk’s high praise of Mons. Thévenot, and I am anxious to hear what that learned and curious gentleman will say about my statements. I am just now committing to paper some observations which, I have no doubt, will also please the learned gentlemen.
Letter 111 L-201 of 23 September 1688 to Melchisédech Thévenot
A few years ago I took the liberty to send you a few of my modest ideas and observations, to which Your Honour replied in courteous terms.
This is the first of two known letters from Leeuwenhoek to Thévenot. For Thévenot’s reply, see Letter L-138 of October 1683. The other is Letter L-201 of 23 September 1688. See also the letter fragment that mentions him, Letter L-121 of 1683.
Hendrik van Bleyswyk (1628-1703) was a magistrate and mayor of Delft from 1669-1699, so he would have had repeated contact with Leeuwenhoek in Delft’s Stadhuis (City Hall). L. addressed five letters to Bleyswyk between December 1695 and February 1702. In late 1697 and 1698, Bleyswyk and Gottfried Leibniz exchanged letters, in four of which they discussed Leeuwenhoek.