1710 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Part of a Letter from Mr. Anthony van Leeuwenhock, F. R. S. to Mr. James Petiver, F. R. S. Containing Some Microscopical Observations upon the Animalcula in Semine of Young Rams |
1712 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
A Letter from Mr. Anthouy Van Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. containing Some Further Microscopical Observations on the Animalcula Found Upon Duckweed, &c. |
1714 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
An Extract of a Letter from Mr. Anthony Van Leeuwenhoeck, F. R. S. Dated October the 12th. 1713. Concerning the Fibres of the Muscles, &c. |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Epistola Domini Antonij van Leeuwenhoek, R. S. S. de Osculis, Sive Spiraculis Foliorum Buxi, Item de Lanugine Malorum Persicorum & Cydoniorum |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Bones and the Periosteum, in a Letter to the Royal Society, from Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Membranes Enclosing the Fasciculi of Fibres, into Which a Muscle is Divided. By Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated by Dr. Sprengell, F. R. S. |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Vessels in Several Sorts of Wood, and upon the Muscular Fibres of Different Animals. By the Same Curious and Inquisitive Person |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations on the Muscular Fibres of Fish. By Mr. Leeuwenhoeck, F. R. S. |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Seeds of Plants. By the Same. Translated by John Chamberlayne, Esq; |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
De Particulis & Structura Adamantum. Epistola Domini Antonii Leeuwenhoek, R. S. Soc. ad Jacobum Jurin, M. D. R S. Secret |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
De Globulorum Sanguineorum Magnitudine, &c. ex Epistola D. Antonii a Leuwenhoek ad Jacobum Jurin, M. D. R. S. Secr. |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
A Letter from Mr. Leeuwenhoeck, F. R. S. concerning the Muscular Fibres in Several Animals, and the Magnetick Quality Acquired by Iron, upon Standing for a Long Time in the Same Posture |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
De Structura Diaphragmatis. Epistola Domini Antonii van Leeuwenhoek, R. S. S. ad Societatem Regiam |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
A Letter to the Royal Society concerning the Particles of Fat. By Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated from the Dutch by John Chamberlayne, Esq |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
De Globulis in Sanguine & in Vini Faecibus. Epistola Posthuma Domini Antonij a Leeuwenhoek, Societatis Regiae Londinensis, Dum Viveret, Sodalis Dignissimi, ad Jacobum Jurin, R. S. Secr. |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon a Foetus, and the Parts of Generation of a Sheep. In a Letter to the Royal Society, from Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated from the Dutch by Dr. Sprengell, F. R. S. |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Ejusdem Viri Clarissimi ad Eundem Epistola Posthuma. De Generatione Animalium, & de Palpitatione Diaphragmatis |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Callus of the Hands and Feet, by the Same Curious Gentleman. Translated by John Chamberlayne, Esq |
1787 |
Maty, P. H. |
A General Index to the Philosophical Transactions, from the first to the end of the seventieth volume |