Resources: Philosophical Transactions

The table is sortable by Year, Author, and Title.

Yearsort descending Author Title
1710 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Part of a Letter from Mr. Anthony van Leeuwenhock, F. R. S. to Mr. James Petiver, F. R. S. Containing Some Microscopical Observations upon the Animalcula in Semine of Young Rams
1712 Leeuwenhoek, A. van A Letter from Mr. Anthouy Van Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. containing Some Further Microscopical Observations on the Animalcula Found Upon Duckweed, &c.
1714 Leeuwenhoek, A. van An Extract of a Letter from Mr. Anthony Van Leeuwenhoeck, F. R. S. Dated October the 12th. 1713. Concerning the Fibres of the Muscles, &c.
1720 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Epistola Domini Antonij van Leeuwenhoek, R. S. S. de Osculis, Sive Spiraculis Foliorum Buxi, Item de Lanugine Malorum Persicorum & Cydoniorum
1720 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations upon the Bones and the Periosteum, in a Letter to the Royal Society, from Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S.
1720 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations upon the Membranes Enclosing the Fasciculi of Fibres, into Which a Muscle is Divided. By Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated by Dr. Sprengell, F. R. S.
1720 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations upon the Vessels in Several Sorts of Wood, and upon the Muscular Fibres of Different Animals. By the Same Curious and Inquisitive Person
1720 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations on the Muscular Fibres of Fish. By Mr. Leeuwenhoeck, F. R. S.
1720 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations upon the Seeds of Plants. By the Same. Translated by John Chamberlayne, Esq;
1722 Leeuwenhoek, A. van De Particulis & Structura Adamantum. Epistola Domini Antonii Leeuwenhoek, R. S. Soc. ad Jacobum Jurin, M. D. R S. Secret
1722 Leeuwenhoek, A. van De Globulorum Sanguineorum Magnitudine, &c. ex Epistola D. Antonii a Leuwenhoek ad Jacobum Jurin, M. D. R. S. Secr.
1722 Leeuwenhoek, A. van A Letter from Mr. Leeuwenhoeck, F. R. S. concerning the Muscular Fibres in Several Animals, and the Magnetick Quality Acquired by Iron, upon Standing for a Long Time in the Same Posture
1722 Leeuwenhoek, A. van De Structura Diaphragmatis. Epistola Domini Antonii van Leeuwenhoek, R. S. S. ad Societatem Regiam
1722 Leeuwenhoek, A. van A Letter to the Royal Society concerning the Particles of Fat. By Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated from the Dutch by John Chamberlayne, Esq
1722 Leeuwenhoek, A. van De Globulis in Sanguine & in Vini Faecibus. Epistola Posthuma Domini Antonij a Leeuwenhoek, Societatis Regiae Londinensis, Dum Viveret, Sodalis Dignissimi, ad Jacobum Jurin, R. S. Secr.
1722 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations upon a Foetus, and the Parts of Generation of a Sheep. In a Letter to the Royal Society, from Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated from the Dutch by Dr. Sprengell, F. R. S.
1722 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Ejusdem Viri Clarissimi ad Eundem Epistola Posthuma. De Generatione Animalium, & de Palpitatione Diaphragmatis
1722 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Observations upon the Callus of the Hands and Feet, by the Same Curious Gentleman. Translated by John Chamberlayne, Esq
1787 Maty, P. H. A General Index to the Philosophical Transactions, from the first to the end of the seventieth volume
