Appointed curator of the abandoned estate of Willemtie Pieters Touw

January 8, 1681

Willempie Pieters Touw was buried in the Oude Kerk on 1680-12-10. She was listed as living on 13Huizen (DTB inv. 43 fol. 82).

Her brother Cornelis married   Maertjen van der Mij from Otteu on 1654-09-06 in Schipluiden (DTB inv. 127 fol. 67).

1666-08-28 She and Cornelis Touw inherited their father's house on the north side of the Pepersteeg (ORA inv. 283 fol. 746v2, Adriaen Lock of Amsterdam, notary). Pieter Cornelis Tou was a clothing maker (kleermaker), according to his burial record in 1637.

ORA inv. 283 fol. 946v2 volg. 2 - Cornelis Touw - Pepersteech noortsijde

OAD inv. 1761_1 1632-1654 verponding (house tax) fol. 493v - Pyeter Tou, clothing maker (kleermaker) and widow, paid 10 guilders 10 stuivers for the house on the Pepersteeg. (see also 484v1,  205v1 and 946v2 ?? no 946).

In 1680, in the notebooks for the family tax (familiegeld) (OAD inv. 1763 fol. 77v volg. 2), Cornelis Pietersz Touw, living in Schipluiden, is listed as a "half capitalist" (halve kapitalist). Schipluiden is about three miles (five kilometers) southwest of Delft on the main canal from Delft to Massluis. According to the WNT (my translation), half-capitalist was "a distinction for the determination of someone's assessment in some taxes ...; as half k. was someone who possessed 1000 or more, but not 2000 gl." He paid a tax of 4 guilders. A note under his name says that he had gone bankrupt since the collection of the bill. It is unclear how his bankruptcy affected his sister's estate.


5e Register van de Curateelen, p. 69

Den 8en Januarij 1681 Anthoni Leeuwenhouck bij de heeren Schepene gestelt curateur in den geabondonnerde boedel van Willemtie Pieters Touw overleden sijnde, den voorn. Leeuwenhouck bij 't leven van voors. Willemtie gestelt curateur in desselfs boedel en ter saecken van dien bij 't slot van sijn laetste reeck. suldich gebleven als in het 4e register van de desolate Boelen fol. 93 te sien is f 92-16-2.

Is gebleeken bij aenteijkeninghe met de handt van de hr Secretaris Fockestart op de Reeckeninge gedaen dit slot ten dele op actum en ten deele aen het dolhuijs deser stadt op auctorisatie van Heere Schepenen ter some van drije en dertich guld ses stuijv 4 penn. te hebben betaelt dus ier 't gemelte slot voldaen en hier Quite.

On January 8, 1681, Anthoni Leeuwenhouck being by the gentlemen magistrates appointed curator of the abandoned estate of Willemtie Pieters Touw deceased, the forenamed Leeuwenhouck during the life of the forewritten Willemtie was appointed curator of the same estate and in order to assure that this is done by his last accounting which remained as in the 4th register of insolvent estates fol. 93 is f 92-16-2.
