Crimineel boeck

Schepenen Delft
ORA 46-53
Gemeente Delft
1536 - 1811

ORA 46-53 "Crimineel boeck" 1536-1811

Protocol van vonnissen door schepenen gewezen in strafzaken, 1536 oktober - 1811 februari.

Protocol (record) of judgments handed down by the magistrates in criminal case

46 1536 oktober - 1591 december

fol. 1-146, 166-195, 199-201, 214-223
fol. 154-165, 147-153, 224-236
fol. 196-197
fol. 208v.-212

47 1591 november - 1619 augustus
48 1619 september - 1653 september
49 1653 september - 1684 januari
50 1684 maart -1726 februari
51 1726 januari - 1781 november
52 1782 mei - 1805 november
53 1806 januari - 1811 februari

Two of these volumes cover most of Leeuwenhoek's adult life. As camerbewaarder for the magistrate's court, he would have been involved with most of the cases between 1660 and his retirement around forty years later.

ORA inv 49 4de Crimineel Boeck 1653-1684
ORA inv 50 5de Crimineel Boeck 1687-1704

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