Delft's mayors decided that the camerbewaarder would no longer receive 300 g after the death of Leeuwenhoek

December 30, 1718

Delft's mayors (burgemeesters) decided that the city court official called the kamerbewaarder would no longer receive 300 g after the death of Leeuwenhoek and Arnold Ramp.

Resolutie ter verbetering van Stads- finantie, d.d. 30 December 1718

Dat na overlijden van Antony Leeuwenhoek en Arnold Ramp, de kamerbewaarder van Schepenen-kamer voortaan niet meer sal toegelegt worden als ƒ 300

Resolution for improving the city's finances, December 30, 1718

That after the deaths of Antony Leeuwenhoek and Arnold Ramp, the camerbewaarder of the magistrates chamber from now on will no longer be f 300.

The mayors were trying to pare their expenses. When they originally continued Leeuwenhoek's stipend, they had no idea that he would live so long!

This decision was based on a prior document dated July 15, 1718.


OAD Delft inv. 347, fol. 30v - Kleine ambten en officiën

OAD Delft inv. 16.5, fol. 203 - Resolutieboeken
