Documents concerning the houses destroyed by the explosion in 1654
Leeuwenhoek's uncle Huijch received compensation for the damage to his houses on the Verwersdijk. In one of them, probably, Leeuwenhoek and his bride Barbara were staying after their marriage in July 1654 and the purchase of the house and shop on the Hippolytusbuurt in February 1655.
OAD inv 506 Lijst van personen van wie huizen bij de ontploffing van het kruitmagazijn zijn verwoest, 1654
List of people whose houses were destroyed by the explosion of the gunpowder magazine
OAD inv 507 Register van personen die van de Staten van Holland en West-Friesland compensatie hebben ontvangen voor het herstel van hun huizen, verwoest bij de ontploffing van het kruitmagazijn, 1654
Register of people who have received compensation from the States of Holland and West-Friesland for the restoration of their houses, destroyed by the explosion of the gunpowder magazine
OAD inv 508 Akten van taxatie van de schade, ontstaan door de ontploffing van het kruitmagazijn, met extracten uit de resoluties van de Staten van Holland en West-Friesland, 1654
Acts of taxation for the damage, arising from the explosion of the gunpowder magazine, with extracts from the resolutions of the States of Holland and West-Friesland