Johan Jacobs van den Berch
When they married in 1633, he was living on the Koornmarkt, she on the Markt. Her father was Claes Cornelis Brugman (-1625), a silversmith who lived on the Hippolytusbuurt.
He got D0399, D0400 Koornmarkt 72 in 1619 from his (greataunt?) Aeltje, even though she lived another 30 yrs? He bought de vergulde Sonne on the Grote Markt on May 16, 1635 for 2,850 g (source?).
After 1655, he lived in Rotterdam.
He (may have?) owned A0127 now Buitenwatersloot 208 and 214.
He may have owned D0175 on the Burgwal from 1667-1670.
He owned D0263 now Oude Langendijk 22.