Journal de médecine

La Roque, J. (ed.)
Paris: Jean Cusson et Laurent d'Houry

Full title:

Journal de médecine ou observations des plus fameux médecins, chirurgiens et anatomistes de l'Europe, tirées des Journaux des païs étrangers, et des mémoires particuliers envoyez a Monsieur l'Abbé de la Roque.

Medical Journal or observations of the most famous doctors, surgeons and anatomists of Europe, from the Journals of foreigners own country, and special memories sent to Monsieur l'Abbé de la Roque.

This journal was founded to publish summaries and excerpts in French of foreign scholars. It managed only six monthly issues in the first half of 1683, perhaps because La Roque was also editing Journal des Sçavans. It was revived in 1686 under the direction of Jean Brunet.

In the March issue, La Roque published part of the Letter L-056 of 14 May 1677, on pp 112-128 with no figs. This publication is not noted in Alle de Brieven / Collected Letters introductory notes for this letter in vol. 2, p. 208.

Two months later in the May issue, La Roque published part of the Letter L-116 of 3 March 1682, on pp 203-219 with 4 of 7 figs (only 6 are in Philosophical Transactions). For this letter, Alle de Brieven / Collected Letters vol. 3, p. 383 has the wrong page numbers (pp. 112-128).

Leeuwenhoek noted this publication in the Letter L-141 of 14 October 1683 to Anthonie Heinsius.