James Jurin wrote Letter L-600 to Arnoud van den Berch about delivering the Royal Society's gifts to Maria van Leeuwenhoek
June 2, 1724
James Jurin wrote to Arnoud van den Berch about delivering the Royal Society's gifts to Maria van Leeuwenhoek. By "kinsman" he referred to Arnoud's cousin Abraham Edens, who he must have thought was related to Maria.
Wellcome MS. 6143
London June 2nd 1724
Capt Taylor, Master of the Sloop Delight, will deliver to you a Box containing two Books & a Silver Bowl, which are a present from the Royal Society to your Kinswoman, Mrs Maria van Leeuwenhoek of Delf. I beg you will forward them to her, & am, Sir,
Your very humble Servant,
J. Jurin, Secr. R.S.