Presented will of November 17 to notary Jan de Bries

November 30, 1721

On a Sunday, Leeuwenhoek and Maria brought the November 17 will, with the November 26 amendment, to a notary, Jan de Bries. this cover letter is copy of original in ONA 2791 p. 23 which was sealed cover to final will of 1721-11-17. De Bries states that Leeuwenhoek and Maria came to him with a will "on which a seal of twelve guilders was stamped, which was drawn for the benefit of those present by me in this cover and at five places with my cachet" -- the original will with five red seals and the sig of De Bries is part of the document at ONA inv 2791 f 23 1745 05-01, the opening of the will.

On the same day, Maria added a short paragraph in her own hand. It stated that the November 17 will was handwritten by her father and that she agreed that he should be her sole heir. Perhaps De Bries wanted that added because his clerk did not write or witness the will in his office in the presence of Leeuwenhoek and Maria.


The complete Dutch text of this will and the two additions is available in Petra Beydal's Twee Testamenten.

The original signed will was included in the inventory of Maria's estate on June 26, 1745, Joris Geesteranus, notary.

Jan de Bries, notary ONA inv. 2415J, fol. 596

Alsoo het bovenstaande testament geschreven is met de hand van mijn vader Antonij van Leeuwenhoek ende denselven mijnen vader daaringestelt is tot mijn erffgenaem so is 't dat sulcx mijn volcomen wil en begere is en ick nogh denselven mijnen vader Antonij van Leeuwenhoek tot mijn enige erfgenaem stelle bij dezen en blijft al het vorenstaende verder geschrifte in mijn reguard mede in sijn volle cragt.

Delft den 30 November 1721
Maria van Leeuwenhoek

Also the above will was written by the hand of my dear father and my father was appointed as my heir, so it is that it is my complete will and desire and I still appoint my father as my only heir. I hereby accept that all the foregoing further writings remain in full force in my regard.
