Visited by Johann Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg, Elector Palatine, his wife and his mother
Johann Wilhelm von Pfalz-Neuburg, Elector Palatine, visited Leeuwenhoek along with his second with Anna Maria Ludovica De' Medici and his mother Elisabeth Amelie Magdalena Von Hessen-Darmstadt.
Letter of August 16, 1695 (AB 153) to Antonio Magliabechi
I must add to this that a few weeks ago the most serene Elector Palatine, together with his August Spouse and his Mother and several Distinguished Gentlemen didme the honour of diverting themselves at my house with the contemplation of some of my discoveries.
In Rijnberk's Briefwisseling: Het kasboek van den hofmeester: Hollandische Reiserechnung vom 18ten Junij bis 11ten Aug. 1695, wordt nog in het Staatsarchiv (JULING-BERG Familienarchiv) te Düsseldorf bewaard. Hieruit blijkt, dat de Keurvorst 28 Juni in Delft was. Het bezoek aan Leeuwenhoek wordt echter niet speciaal vermeld. (The account book of the steward: Dutch travel invoice from 18 June to 11 August 1695 is still preserved in the [archive] in Dusseldorf. Here it appears that that the Elector was in Delft on 28 June. The visit to Leeuwenhoek is however not specifically mentioned.)