Wrote Letter L-287 of 1696-03-08 to Nicolaas Witsen about white mace caused by vermin, a moth from a larva taken from mace, larvae and wings of the merchant grain beetle, and nutmeg; warehouses should be painted to protect spices from vermin
Text of the letter in the original Dutch and in English translation from Alle de Brieven. The Collected Letters at the DBNL - De Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren
Leeuwenhoek wrote this letter about …
White mace is not due to failure of crop, but to voracity of vermin. Description of a moth that had emerged from a larva taken by him from mace. Larvae of the merchant grain beetle. Description of larva and adult beetle, specifically of the wings. Description of the mace. More detailed study of the nutmeg and the way it receives food. Cross-section through the funiculus and the hard shell surrounding the nut; observations on the way the nuts are attacked. Warehouses should be painted in order to prevent spices being eaten by vermin. Mites appear to be repelled by the smell of mace.