Wrote Letter L-029 of some time in 1676 to Theodore Craanen about gold and mercury
This letter is known only by reference in another letter.
This is the only known letter from Leeuwenhoek to Craanen, professor of medicine in Leiden, a proponent of Cartesian theories, and a frequent visitor to Leeuwenhoek’s home. For Theodore Craanen (1620-1690), see the Biog. Reg., Collected Letters, vol. 2, p. 443.
See Letter L-048 of 1677, Collected Letters, vol. 20, for Craanen’s only letter to L.
Letter L-083 of 11 May 1679 to Lambert van Velthuysen:
With regard to the gold and mercury, I refer to my handwritten letter, which I wrote in the year 1676 on this subject to Professor Craanen, at his request.