Wrote Letter L-391 of 1701-06-21 to Hans Sloane about the claimed qualtity of other people's magnifying glasses, injuries to the cornea, and the impossibility of observing the smallest particles of matter

June 21, 1701
Standard reference information
Leeuwenhoek's number: 
Collected Letters number: 
Collected Letters volume: 

Text of the letter in the original Dutch and in English translation from Alle de Brieven. The Collected Letters at the DBNL - De Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren

Leeuwenhoek wrote this letter about …

Quality of magnifying glasses. Cornea, blood vessels, and small particles (crystalline humour) in L.'s own eye.

On the qualtity of magnifying glasses, and injuries to the cornea; the impossibility of observing the smallest particles of matter.