Wrote Letter L-483 of 1711-12-29 to Anthonie Heinsius, a cover letter for Letter L-484, naming the author of the article in Philosophical Transactions that he criticizes but does not name in the following letter, meant for publication
The original manuscript on one quarto page, written and signed by Leeuwenhoek, is preserved in The Hague, Nationaal Archief, Archief Anthonie Heinsius (toeg. nr. 3.01.19, inv. no. 1613).
This short letter covered the letter of December 29, 1711 (AB 291). It was not published at the time.
Cover letter for letter to Heinsius of the same date. In the cover letter, he names the man, Allen Moulin, whose article in Philosophical Transactions he criticizes without naming him in the following letter, meant for publication.