Wrote Letter L-499 of 1713-10-12 to Hans Sloane as a cover letter for a copy of Letter L-489 on muscle fibres of a whale and a request for new numbers of Philosophical Transactions and a list of fellows of the Society to be sent to relatives in Rotterdam
Signed autograph letter. The manuscript is to be found in London, Royal Society, MS 2102, Early Letters L.4.51; 1 quarto page.
Not published.
Cover letter to Sloane accompanying a copy of Leeuwenhoek's Letter L-498 of 1712-12-08 (SB I) to Anthonie Heinsius on muscle fibres of a whale. Sloane had requested the copy and Leeuwenhoek complied immediately, though the dates of this sequence of letters are inconsistent, as discussed on the page about Sloane's Letter L-500 dated 1713-10-24 linked under Learn more below.
In addition, Leeuwenhoek asked Sloane to send new issues of the Philosophical Transactions and a list of fellows of the Royal Society to the widow of his nephew at Rotterdam.
On the cover Leeuwenhoek himself wrote the following address:
Aande Heer. d'Heer Hans Sloane Secretaris vande Coninklijke Societeit. In Londen.