Wrote Letter L-533 of 1716-05-22 to Cornelis Spiering about the scales of a carp that Spiering sent him, using scales to age a fish, eggs in hard roe and sperm in soft roe food for other fishes, shrimp eggs, and the life span of whales and fish

May 22, 1716
Standard reference information
Leeuwenhoek's number: 
Collected Letters number: 
Collected Letters volume: 

In reponse to Letter L-529 from Cornelis Spiering enclosing scales from a dead carp, Leeuwenhoek wrote this letter about the scales that Spiering had sent him, using scales to age a fish, eggs in hard roe and sperm in soft roe food for other fishes, shrimp eggs, and the life span of whales and fish