Wrote Letter L-532 of 1716-05-19 to Gottfried Leibniz about muscle and tendon fibers, mammal teats, sperm; did not find eggs in ovaries, Fallopian tube, or womb; cannot imagine how the Fallopian tube could suck sperm; does not know the ovary's function

May 19, 1716
Standard reference information
Leeuwenhoek's number: 
Collected Letters number: 
Collected Letters volume: 

Enumeration of a number of research questions: the structure of muscle fibres in muscles and tendons; the number of teats on mammals; the number of spermatozoa. L. did not find eggs in ovaries, the Fallopian tube, or the womb. L. cannot imagine how the Fallopian tube could bring about suction. L. does not know what function the ovary has.

about muscle and tendon fibers, mammal teats, sperm; did not find eggs in ovaries, Fallopian tube, or womb; cannot imagine how the Fallopian tube could suck sperm; does not know the ovary's function