
The table is sortable by Year, Author, and Title.

Year Author Titlesort descending
1984 Ruestow, E. G. Leeuwenhoek and the campaign against spontaneous generation
1982 Lindeboom, G. A. Leeuwenhoek and the problem of sexual reproduction
1967 Egerton, F. N. Leeuwenhoek as a founder of animal demography
1937 Meyer, A. W. Leeuwenhoek as experimental biologist
1961 Schierbeek, A. Leeuwenhoek as surveyor and wine-gauger
1932 Boeke, J. Leeuwenhoek en de Wetenschap van het Kleine
1941 Schierbeek, A. Leeuwenhoek en Swammerdam
1939 Schierbeek, A. Leeuwenhoek en zijn globulentheorie
1950 Fildes, P. Leeuwenhoek Lecture: The evolution of microbiology
2015 Ford, B. J. Leeuwenhoek Microscopes: Mystery and Mischief
1952 Seters, W. H. van Leeuwenhoek's afkomst en jeugd
1982 Baas, P. Leeuwenhoek's contributions to wood anatomy and his ideas on sap transport in plants
2015 Falkowski, P. Leeuwenhoek's Lucky Break
1976 Casida, L. E. Leeuwenhoek's Observation of Bacteria
1948 Mendels, J. Leeuwenhoek's taal
1952 Mendels, J. Leeuwenhoek's taal
1937 Cole, F. J. Leeuwenhoek's zoological researches. Part I.
1937 Cole, F. J. Leeuwenhoek's zoological researches. Part II. Bibliography and analytical Index.
1965 Belloni, L. Leeuwenhoek, Boerhaave und Bleyswyk über Spermatozoën
1950 Rooseboom, M. Leeuwenhoek, the Man: A Son of His Nation and His Time
1932 Vandevelde, A. J. J. and I. Vandekeere Leeuwenhoekiana, 10e Bijdrage
2006 Egerton, F. N. Leeuwenhoek’s Microscopic Natural History
1620 Moeut, A.C. Legger der verponding op de huizen, 1620
1966 Bedini, S. A. Lens making for scientific instrumentation in the seventeenth century
2016 Corning Museum of Glass Lens Making in the 1600s (video)
2008 Anderson, D. Lens on Leeuwenhoek (video)
1662 - 1740 various Letter Book Original
1982 Houtzager, H. L. Leuvense Van Leeuwenhoek Penning
1977 Bos, A. P. A. and P. van Daalen Leven en werk van Antoni van Leeuwenhoek te Delft 1632-1723
1932 Schierbeek, A. Leven en Werken van Antony van Leeuwenhoek
1686 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Levende Dierkens
1921 Bisseling, G.H. Leydse Courant Ao 1747, no 28 and Leydse Courant Ao 1747, no 61
1829 King, P. Life of John Locke
2017 Robertson, L. A. Lighting Van Leeuwenhoek's samples
1976 Lechevalier, H. Louis Joblot and His Microscopes
1482 - 1810 Thesaurier Delft Maanboek voor de thesaurier 1482-1810
2014 Roon, G. van Macht en gewoonte in het Delftse stadsbestuur (1672-1702)
2013 Henderson, F. Making "The Good Old Man" Speak English
1968 Walter, W. and H. Via Making A Leeuwenhoek "Microscope" Replica
2007 Loncke, H. Making a Van Leeuwenhoek Microscope Lens
2007 Loncke, H. Making an Antoni van Leeuwenhoek microscope replica
2016 Bolt, M. Making microscope lenses in the 1600s
1677 Butterfield, Mr. Making of Microscopes with Very Small and Single Glasses
1631 - 1792 Burgemeesters Delft Manuaal betreffende de pachters van accijnzen in Delft en Delfshaven
1633 Metius, A. Manuale arithmeticae & geometrice practicae
2009 Uchelen, T. C. van Maria Strick, Schoolmistress and Calligrapher in Early Seventeenth-Century Holland
1948 Dijksterhuis, E. J. Mathematics in Leeuwenhoeck's letters
2007 Cook, H. J. Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine, and Science in the Dutch Golden Age.
1959 Schierbeek, A. Measuring The Invisible World
2007 Davis, J. N. Measuring the Magnification of Homemade Simple Microscope Lenses
