1709 - 1741 |
Vlaardingerwoud, W. |
Minuutakten, 1709-1741 Willem Vlaardingerwoud |
1710 - 1714 |
Cost, J. van der |
Minuutakten, 1710-1714 Jurianus Van Der Cost |
1714 - 1741 |
Swalmius, A. |
Minuutakten, 1714-1741 Adriaen Swalmius |
1714 - 1766 |
Boogert, F. |
Minuutakten, 1714-1766 François Boogert |
1717 - 1740 |
Pijnakker, C. |
Minuutakten, 1717-1740 Cornelis Pijnakker |
1724 - 1772 |
Lely, W. van der |
Minuutakten, 1724-1772 Willem van der Lely |
1736 - 1776 |
Geesteranus. J. |
Minuutakten, 1736-1776 Joris Geesteranus |
1747 - 1768 |
Bertrand, J. |
Minuutakten, 1747-1768 Johan Willem Bertrand |
1766 - 1811 |
Koetsveld, J. van |
Minuutakten, 1766-1811 Jacobus Van Koetsveld |
1772 - 1789 |
Maisonnet, T. G. |
Minuutakten, 1772-1789 Thomas Guilielmus Maisonnet |
1677 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Monsieur Leewenhoecks Letter to the Publisher, Wherein Some Account is Given of the Manner of His Observing So Great a Number of Little Animals in Divers Sorts of Water, as was Deliver'd in the Next Foregoing Tract: English'd out of Dutch |
1674 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
More Microscopical Observations Made by the Same M. Leewenhoeck, and Promised in Numb. 97. of These Tracts; Communicated in His Letters of August 15. 1673 and of April 7. 1674 |
1674 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
More Observations from Mr. Leewenhook, in a Letter of Sept. 7, 1674. sent to the Publisher |
1679 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Mr. Leeuwenhoeck's Letter, containing his Observations of vast numbers of Animals in Semine Animalium. |
1677 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Mr. Leewenhoecks Letter Written to the Publisher from Delff the 14th of May 1677, Concerning the Observations by him Made of the Carneous Fibres of a Muscle, and the Cortical and Medullar Part of the Brain; as Also of Moxa and Cotton |
1991 |
Palm, L. C. |
Natuurlijke historie rond 1700. De rol van de microscopie in het natuuronderzoek |
2004 |
Roemer, B. van de |
Neat Nature: The Relation between Nature and Art in a Dutch Cabinet of Curiosities from the Early Eighteenth Century. |
1991 |
Fournier, M. |
Nederlanders en de ontwikkeling van de microscoop |
2021 |
Cocquyt, T. et al. |
Neutron tomography of Van Leeuwenhoek’s microscopes |
1978 |
Houtzager, H. L. |
Nicolaas van Assendelft en de ontdekking van de bloedsomloop |
1681 |
Overkamp, H. |
Nieuwe beginselen tot de genees- en heelkonst |
1927 |
Schierbeek, A. |
Nieuws uit het leven van Leeuwenhoek |
1680 |
Burgemeesters Delft |
Nota betreffende de inrichting van het stadsbestuur |
1986 |
Gehlen, A. Fl. |
Notariële akten uit de 17e en 18e eeuw: handleiding voor gebruikers |
1990 |
Kronick, D. A. |
Notes on the Printing History of the Early "Philosophical Transactions" |
1684 - 1718 |
various |
Nouvelles de la republique des lettres |
2013 |
Archief Delft |
OAD - Old Archive |
1678 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observationes D. Anthonii Lewenhoeck, De Natis E Semine Genitali Animalculis |
1704 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations on Staining the Fingers with a Solution of Silver in Aqua Fortis, etc. in a Letter from Mr Anthony Van Leuwenhoek, F. R. S. |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations on the Muscular Fibres of Fish. By Mr. Leeuwenhoeck, F. R. S. |
1912 |
Woodruff, L. L. |
Observations on the origin and sequence of the protozoan fauna of hay infusions |
1704 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations on the Seed-Vessels and Seeds of Polypodium. In a Letter from Mr Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon a Foetus, and the Parts of Generation of a Sheep. In a Letter to the Royal Society, from Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated from the Dutch by Dr. Sprengell, F. R. S. |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Bones and the Periosteum, in a Letter to the Royal Society, from Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. |
1722 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Callus of the Hands and Feet, by the Same Curious Gentleman. Translated by John Chamberlayne, Esq |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Membranes Enclosing the Fasciculi of Fibres, into Which a Muscle is Divided. By Mr. Leeuwenhoek, F. R. S. Translated by Dr. Sprengell, F. R. S. |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Seeds of Plants. By the Same. Translated by John Chamberlayne, Esq; |
1673 |
Temple, W. |
Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands |
1720 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations upon the Vessels in Several Sorts of Wood, and upon the Muscular Fibres of Different Animals. By the Same Curious and Inquisitive Person |
1677 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Observations, Communicated to the Publisher by Mr. Antony van Leewenhoeck in a Dutch Letter of the 9th Oct. 1676. Here English'd: concerning Little Animals by Him Observed in Rain-Well-Sea. and Snow Water; as Also in Water Wherein Pepper Had Lain Infused |
1888 |
Huygens, C. |
Oeuvres complètes |
1991 |
Ruestow, E. G. |
Of a man and his microscopes: Widening the perspective of early modern science |
1688 |
Leeuwenhoek, A. van |
Omloop des Bloeds |
1979 |
O'Mara, J. G. |
On Leeuwenhoek's magnifications |
1937 |
Cohen, B. |
On Leeuwenhoek's Method of Seeing Bacteria |
1931 |
Stein, J.B. |
On the trail of Van Leeuwenhoek |
2013 |
Archief Delft |
ONA - Old Notary Archive |
1981 |
Houtzager, H. L. |
Onder professoren in de 17e eeuw |
1584 - 1811 |
Gerecht (Delft court of law) |
Ondertrouwboeken (civil), 1584-1811 |
1587 - 1626 |
Nederduits-Gereformeerde Gemeente |
Ondertrouwboeken (ecclesiastical) 1587 - 1626 |