2007 |
Azevedo, A. A. de |
A Novel Method For Making Miniature Lenses |
2007 |
Kooijmans, L. |
Gevaarlijke Kennis |
2007 |
Hoftijzer, P. |
Het geheim van de uitgever |
2007 |
Archief Delft |
Digital Arena |
2007 |
Cruz, L. |
The Secrets of Success |
2007 |
various |
Achter de Gevels van Delft (web) |
2007 |
Geintegreerde Taal-Bank |
Historische woordenboeken op internet |
2007 |
Fournier, M. |
Personal styles in microscopy: Leeuwenhoek, Swammerdam and Huygens. |
2007 |
Cook, H. J. |
Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine, and Science in the Dutch Golden Age. |
2007 |
Loncke, H. |
Making a Van Leeuwenhoek Microscope Lens |
2008 |
Davids, K. |
The Rise and Decline of Dutch Technological Leadership |
2008 |
Duuglas-Ittu, K. von |
A Method of Grinding Small, Spherical Lenses: Spinoza |
2008 |
Anderson, D. |
Lens on Leeuwenhoek (video) |
2008 |
Duuglas-Ittu, K. von |
The 1661 Technique of “Glass Drops”, a Possible Link to Bead Lens Microscopes |
2008 |
Tracy, J. D. |
The Founding of the Dutch Republic |
2008 |
Bouwman, A T. et al. |
Stad van Boeken |
2008 |
Duuglas-Ittu, K. von |
The Simple Microscope in the Hands of Van Leeuwenhoek and Huygens |
2008 |
Duuglas-Ittu, K. von |
Van Leeuwenhoek’s View of Technology and Spinoza |
2008 - 2013 |
Weve, W. (ed.) |
Delf (cultural historical magazine) |
2009 |
Huisman, T. |
The Finger of God |
2009 |
Uchelen, T. C. van |
Maria Strick, Schoolmistress and Calligrapher in Early Seventeenth-Century Holland |
2009 |
various |
Philosophical Transactions: Archive of All Online Issues 1665-1887 |
2009 |
Ratcliff, M. |
The Quest for the Invisible |
2009 |
Sepel, L., E. Loreto and J. Rocha |
Using a Replica of Leeuwenhoek’s Microscope to Teach the History of Science and to Motivate Students |
2009 |
Fritschy, W. |
The efficiency of taxation in Holland |
2009 |
Ford, B. J. |
Did Physics Matter to the Pioneers of Microscopy? |
2009 |
Gelderblom, O. (ed.) |
Political Economy of the Dutch Republic |
2009 |
Cruz, L. |
The Paradox of Prosperity |
2010 |
various |
DWC - Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum |
2010 |
Erfgoed Delft |
WikiDelft.nl |
2010 |
Cohen, H. F. |
How Modern Science Came Into the World |
2010 |
Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza |
Galileo's Microscope |
2011 |
Sundberg, M. |
Botanical investigations of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek |
2011 |
Gelderblom, O. and J. Jonker |
Public Finance and Economic Growth: The Case of Holland in the Seventeenth Century |
2011 |
various |
Historici.nl |
2011 |
Ford, B. J. |
The Clarity of Images from Early Single-Lens Microscopes Captured on Video |
2012 |
Rupp, J. C. |
Het Theatrum Anatomicum |
2012 |
Davidson, M. |
Pioneers in Optics |
2012 |
Zuidervaart, H. |
The ‘invisible technician’ made visible |
2013 |
Archief Delft |
DTB - Baptism, Marriage, Burial Archive |
2013 |
Verhoeven, G. |
Barbarijse zeerovers, een Delftse slaaf en een wanhopige moeder |
2013 |
Abou-Nemeh, S. C. |
The Natural Philosopher and the Microscope: Nicolas Hartsoeker Unravels Nature’s “Admirable OEconomy” |
2013 |
Archief Delft |
LAD - Miscellaneous Accessions |
2013 |
Archief Delft |
SNG - St Nicolaas Gilde archive |
2013 |
Jorink, E. |
De profeet en de boekhouder |
2013 |
Henderson, F. |
Making "The Good Old Man" Speak English |
2013 |
Weve, W. |
Huizen in Delft in de 16de en 17de eeuw |
2013 |
Henderson, F. |
Faithful Interpreters? |
2013 |
Archief Delft |
WKD - Orphans Chamber Archive |
2013 |
Archief Delft |
DAA - Diletto and Arme Archive |