
The table is sortable by Year, Author, and Title.

Yearsort descending Author Title
2007 Azevedo, A. A. de A Novel Method For Making Miniature Lenses
2007 Kooijmans, L. Gevaarlijke Kennis
2007 Hoftijzer, P. Het geheim van de uitgever
2007 Archief Delft Digital Arena
2007 Cruz, L. The Secrets of Success
2007 various Achter de Gevels van Delft (web)
2007 Geintegreerde Taal-Bank Historische woordenboeken op internet
2007 Fournier, M. Personal styles in microscopy: Leeuwenhoek, Swammerdam and Huygens.
2007 Cook, H. J. Matters of Exchange: Commerce, Medicine, and Science in the Dutch Golden Age.
2007 Loncke, H. Making a Van Leeuwenhoek Microscope Lens
2008 Davids, K. The Rise and Decline of Dutch Technological Leadership
2008 Duuglas-Ittu, K. von A Method of Grinding Small, Spherical Lenses: Spinoza
2008 Anderson, D. Lens on Leeuwenhoek (video)
2008 Duuglas-Ittu, K. von The 1661 Technique of “Glass Drops”, a Possible Link to Bead Lens Microscopes
2008 Tracy, J. D. The Founding of the Dutch Republic
2008 Bouwman, A T. et al. Stad van Boeken
2008 Duuglas-Ittu, K. von The Simple Microscope in the Hands of Van Leeuwenhoek and Huygens
2008 Duuglas-Ittu, K. von Van Leeuwenhoek’s View of Technology and Spinoza
2008 - 2013 Weve, W. (ed.) Delf (cultural historical magazine)
2009 Huisman, T. The Finger of God
2009 Uchelen, T. C. van Maria Strick, Schoolmistress and Calligrapher in Early Seventeenth-Century Holland
2009 various Philosophical Transactions: Archive of All Online Issues 1665-1887
2009 Ratcliff, M. The Quest for the Invisible
2009 Sepel, L., E. Loreto and J. Rocha Using a Replica of Leeuwenhoek’s Microscope to Teach the History of Science and to Motivate Students
2009 Fritschy, W. The efficiency of taxation in Holland
2009 Ford, B. J. Did Physics Matter to the Pioneers of Microscopy?
2009 Gelderblom, O. (ed.) Political Economy of the Dutch Republic
2009 Cruz, L. The Paradox of Prosperity
2010 various DWC - Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum
2010 Erfgoed Delft
2010 Cohen, H. F. How Modern Science Came Into the World
2010 Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza Galileo's Microscope
2011 Sundberg, M. Botanical investigations of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
2011 Gelderblom, O. and J. Jonker Public Finance and Economic Growth: The Case of Holland in the Seventeenth Century
2011 various
2011 Ford, B. J. The Clarity of Images from Early Single-Lens Microscopes Captured on Video
2012 Rupp, J. C. Het Theatrum Anatomicum
2012 Davidson, M. Pioneers in Optics
2012 Zuidervaart, H. The ‘invisible technician’ made visible
2013 Archief Delft DTB - Baptism, Marriage, Burial Archive
2013 Verhoeven, G. Barbarijse zeerovers, een Delftse slaaf en een wanhopige moeder
2013 Abou-Nemeh, S. C. The Natural Philosopher and the Microscope: Nicolas Hartsoeker Unravels Nature’s “Admirable OEconomy”
2013 Archief Delft LAD - Miscellaneous Accessions
2013 Archief Delft SNG - St Nicolaas Gilde archive
2013 Jorink, E. De profeet en de boekhouder
2013 Henderson, F. Making "The Good Old Man" Speak English
2013 Weve, W. Huizen in Delft in de 16de en 17de eeuw
2013 Henderson, F. Faithful Interpreters?
2013 Archief Delft WKD - Orphans Chamber Archive
2013 Archief Delft DAA - Diletto and Arme Archive
