Royal Society read Letter L-504 and asked Richard Waller to reply and send the numbers of Philosophical Transactions for 1713
At the regular weekly meeting of the Royal Society on 24 June 1714 O.S., they read Leeuwenhoek's Letter L-504 of 22 June 1714.
Royal Society, Journal Book Original, vol. 12, p. 6.
A letter from Mr. Leuwenhoek dated Delft June the 22 1714 was read giving his thanks for the Transactions to the end of the year 1712 sent him which he has received, confirming his observations on the fibrillae of the muscles of the whales, oxen, and lesser animals, all which in their least fibres are of the same size and offering to send the delineations of the fibrillae as seen with a microscope if the society desires it. Mr. Waller was ordered to draw upp answer to this letter and to send the last years Transactions.