Christiaan Huygens began second series of observations of little animals replicating and expanding on Leeuwenhoek's

July 22, 1692

Fourteen years after he first replicated Leeuwenhoek's observations of little animals in rainwater infused with pepper, ginger, and coffee, Huygens again replicated and expanded on Leeuwenhoek's observations. As with the first series in 1678, Huygens provided sketches to help the readers visualize what he had seen.

It began with a sketch and explanation of the eel-viewer that Huygens used modeled on Leeuwenhoek's.

The last record of his observations is dated 25 October.

Five days before that, Huygens wrote to Leeuwenhoek his ideas about spontaneous generation based on his observations.



Oeuvres XIII, pp. 720 - 732

Appendice XI, À la troisième Partie de la Dioptrique ‘De Telescopiis et
Microscopiis’. [1678-1692.]
[Observations microscopiques.]
[Deuxième Partie.]
