Antony van Leeuwenhoek bij zijn 300sten geboortedag

Storm van Leeuwen, W.
De Telegraaf
No. 15,139
N.V. Dagblad De Telegraaf

Leading Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf noted Leeuwenhoek's 300th birthday with almost a full page of half a dozen articles written by Universiteit Leiden professor W. Storm van Leeuwen.

The first article was an overview of Leeuwenhoek's discoveries and their significance.

Other articles

Van Leeuwenhoek's Leven (Leeuwenhoek's life) -- not much detail, based on what was known in 1932.

Waardeering en Miskenning (Appreciation and Underestimation) -- quotations about Leeuwenhoek

Voor het aquarium van de apotheek. — Hoe Antony van Leeuwenhoek en Jan Swammerdam elkaar leerden kennen. (In front of the aquarium of the pharmacy. - How Antony van Leeuwenhoek and Jan Swammerdam got to know each other.) -- Note: It is highly unlikely that Leeuwenhoek and Swammerdam got to know each other as children or that Leeuwenhoek's interest in the natural world was developed by his viewing of an aquarium in the shop window of Swammerdam's father, an apothecary. The sentimental conceit here is that people who accomplish things as adults are interested in the same things as children.

De natuur doorvorscht. Groote resultaren met beperkt middelen. - Fundamenten der wetenschap. - Een onvermoeid zoeker. (Nature studied in depth. Great results with limited means. Fundamentals of science. A tireless searcher.) After a short introduction, the list that follows is an uncredited slight condensation from Schierbeek's list in the special Leeuwenhoek number of Natura.

“Zijn dierkens”. Een boek van prof. Clifford Dobell over “den vader der protozoölogie en bacteriologie” (“His little animals”. A book of prof. Clifford Dobell about “the father of protozoology and bacteriology” -- a review of Dobell's recent biography.

Zijn grafschift. (His epitaph) -- A short quotation from Poot's poem followed by a list of Leeuwenhoek's major discoveries and the year of the letter recording that discovery.