Resources: Secondaryprint

The table is sortable by Year, Author, and Title.

Yearsort descending Author Title
1587 Vranck, F. A short exposition of the rights exercised by the knights, nobles and towns of Holland and West Friesland
1600 Sems, J. and J. P. Dou Practijck des lantmetens
1612 Cardinael, S. H. Hondert Geometische Questien
1612 Dou, J. P. Tractaet vant maken ende Gebruycken eens nieu gheordonneer­den Mathematischen Instruments
1633 Metius, A. Manuale arithmeticae & geometrice practicae
1638 Spoors, J. Wonderen des Wereldts
1648 Hexham, H. Het Groot Woordenboeck: gestelt in't Neder-duytsch, ende in't Engelsch.
1662 Nispen, M. De Beknopte Lant-meet-konst
1662 Moray, R. An account of the glass drops
1662 Court, P. de la. Interest van Holland [The True Interest and Political Maxims, of the Republic of Holland]
1663 Anhaltin, C. M. School-Boeck van de Wyn-Royeryen
1665 various Philosophical Transactions
1665 various Journal des Sçavans
1665 Hooke, R. An Account of Micrographia, or the Physiological Descriptions of Minute Bodies, made by Magnifying Glasses
1665 Hooke, R. Micrographia: or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses
1667 Sprat, T. History of the Royal Society of London
1667 Bleyswijck, D. van Beschryvinge der Stadt Delft
1668 Mancini, C. The Description of a Way for Working Convex Glasses upon a Plain
1669 Wren, C. A Description of Dr. Christopher Wren's Engin, Designed for Grinding Hyperbolical Glasses
1672 Graaf, R. de Een nieuw ontwerp van de ledematen der vrouwen
1673 Temple, W. Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands
1675 Valkenier, P. 't Verwerd Europa
1675 Busschof, H. Het Podagra, Nader als oyt nagevorst en uytgevonden
1677 Butterfield, Mr. Making of Microscopes with Very Small and Single Glasses
1677 Bartholin, T. Acta medica & philosophica Hafniensia
1678 Blankaart, S. De nieuw hervormde anatomia
1678 Hooke, R. Lectures and collections: Cometa, Microscopium
1679 Vasseur, L. le (ed.) Recueil d'experiences et observations
1679 - 1682 Hooke, R. Philosophical Collections
1681 Overkamp, H. Nieuwe beginselen tot de genees- en heelkonst
1682 Sterre, D. van der Keyserlijke Snee
1682 Bontekoe, C. Reden over de koortzen
1682 Tavernier, J. B. De zes reizen van de heer J. Bapt. Tavernier
1682 Grew, N. The anatomy of plants
1682 - 1731 Mencke, O. (ed.) Acta eruditorum
1683 La Roque, J. (ed.) Journal de médecine
1683 Dueren, J. van Wondere dingen in yders aard
1684 Rhyne, W. ten De Chineese en Japanse wijse om door het branden van moxa
1684 - 1718 various Nouvelles de la republique des lettres
1685 Molyneux, W. Circulation of the blood as seen, by the help of a Microscope
1686 - 1718 Clerc, J. le, and J. C. de la Croze Bibliothèque universelle et historique
1687 Griendel, J. F. Micrographia nova
1690 Locke, J. Essay Concerning Human Understanding
1691 Sewel, W. A compendious Guide to the Low-Dutch Language [etc.] / KorteWegwyzer der Nederduytsche Taal
1692 Temple, W. Memoirs of what past in Christendom, from the War begun 1672 to the Peace concluded 1679
1692 Molyneux, W. Dioptrica nova
1692 - 1702 Rabus, P. ed. De Boekzaal van Europe
1693 Croze, J. de la Memoirs for the Ingenious
1693 King, E. Several Observations and Experiments on the Animalcula, in Pepper-water, &c.
1694 Hartsoeker, N. Essay de Dioptrique
