Continuatio Epistolarum
Full title
Continuatio Epistolarum, Datarum Ad longe Celeberrimam Regiam Societatem Londinensem..
Continuation of the Letters, Given to the most Famous Royal Society of London
Dobell's #24: Letters 53-60
These eight consecutive letters were the longest batch Leeuwenhoek published up to this point. They were all addressed to the Royal Society. The volume must have been popular. It was bundled with other volumes and was reprinted four times, in 1696 as an Editio altera, in 1715 as a second edition, and in 1730 as the Editio tertio. Each used a different typesetting.
Front Matter
Title page
6-page index rerum
3 letters Partis prioris contentarum
15 letters Partis alterae contentarum
8 letters Continuationis contentarum, the letters in this volume
dated, unnumbered, and continuously paginated 1 -124
each preceded by the date and a summary
Back matter
Dobell #24a: Editio altera
Boutestein 1696
title, no index, different typesetting
the "not sure" edition is close to this but with some difference, ex p. 23
Dobell #24b
Lugduni Batavorum (Du Vivie, Haak, & Langerack) 1715
different typesetting from 1730 edition but content the same; no repeated figure in Letter 53
Dobell #24c: Edition tertia
Lugduni Batavorum (Langerak) 1730
title, 6-page Index including letters not in this volume
letters unnumbered, dated in title
in Letter 53, figs 1, 2, 3, and 5 in text. fig 5 on p 9 and repeated on p 12. Fig 4 on plate
all other figs on nine plates, one per letter, but three plates for the 28 figures with Letter 55.
Leeuwenhoek sent this volume to the Royal Society under cover of a letter to Robert Boyle dated 1689-01-12, so it may have been available late in 1688.