
The table is sortable by Year, Author, and Title.

Yearsort descending Author Title
2013 Verhoeven, G. Barbarijse zeerovers, een Delftse slaaf en een wanhopige moeder
2013 Archief Delft LAD - Miscellaneous Accessions
2013 Archief Delft SNG - St Nicolaas Gilde archive
2013 Abou-Nemeh, S. C. The Natural Philosopher and the Microscope: Nicolas Hartsoeker Unravels Nature’s “Admirable OEconomy”
2013 Jorink, E. De profeet en de boekhouder
2013 Henderson, F. Making "The Good Old Man" Speak English
2013 Weve, W. Huizen in Delft in de 16de en 17de eeuw
2014 Koninklijke Bibliotheek STCN - Short Title Catalogue Netherlands
2014 Archief Delft Delft Collection (Collectie Delft)
2014 Robertson, L. A. Through van Leeuwenhoek’s Eyes (video)
2014 Roon, G. van Macht en gewoonte in het Delftse stadsbestuur (1672-1702)
2014 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Alle de Brieven. The Collected Letters. Volume 16
2014 Anderson, D. Still going strong: Leeuwenhoek at eighty
2014 Lichtman, F. and S. Shattuck Animated Life: Seeing the Invisible (video)
2014 Smit, H. et al. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek: Groots in het Kleine
2014 Zuidervaart, H. and M. Rijks "Most rare workmen"
2015 Ford, B. J. Leeuwenhoek Microscopes: Mystery and Mischief
2015 Cultures of Knowledge Project Early Modern Letters Online
2015 Lane, N. The unseen world
2015 Falkowski, P. Leeuwenhoek's Lucky Break
2015 Snyder, L. Eye of the Beholder
2015 Robertson, L. A. And then there were 12
2015 Verhoeven, G. De derde stad van Holland
2015 Lawson, I. Crafting the microworld: how Robert Hooke constructed knowledge about small things
2015 Robertson, L. A. Van Leeuwenhoek microscopes - where are they now?
2015 Robertson, L. A. Historical microbiology, is it relevant in the 21st century?
2015 Ford, B. J. Deepening mystery of disappearing microscope
2015 Morgunova, K. Drawing under the microscope
2016 Jorink, E. Swammerdam, hoveling?
2016 Anderson, D. The tensions between facts and fantasy
2016 Zuidervaart, H. and D. Anderson Antony van Leeuwenhoek’s microscopes and other scientific instruments: new information from the Delft archives
2016 Yong, E. I Contain Multitudes
2016 Egmond, W. van The riddle of the 'green streaks'
2016 Cocquyt, T. De identificatie van een zilveren microscoopje van Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
2016 Corning Museum of Glass Lens Making in the 1600s (video)
2016 Steenks, G. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek’s 384th Birthday
2016 Yong, E. The remarkable discovery of microbial life (video)
2016 Bolt, M. Making microscope lenses in the 1600s
2016 Robertson, L. A. et al. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek: Master of the Minuscule
2016 Schwartz, G. Today in Delft 340 years ago
2017 Robertson, L. A. Lighting Van Leeuwenhoek's samples
2017 Becchi, A. Between Learned Science and Technical Knowledge
2017 Vlis, I. van der 't Weeshuys binnen Delft
2017 Anderson, D. Some comments on Jorink’s ‘Swammerdam, hoveling?’
2017 Tosteson, H. The Philosophical Transactions of Maria van Leeuwenhoek, Antoni’s Dochter (1668-1696)
2017 Fransen, S. Anglo-Dutch translations of medical and scientific texts
2018 Leeuwenhoek, A. van Alle de Brieven. The Collected Letters. Volume 17
2018 Cocquyt, T., M. Bolt, and M. Korey Hudde en zijn gesmolten microscooplensjes
2018 Bolt, M., T. Cocquyt, and M. Korey Johannes Hudde and His Flameworked Microscope Lenses
2019 Fransen, S. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, His Images and Draughtsmen
